The 35th Western Coatings Symposium and Show was another successful event.
The Board proved even when hit with adversity, such as COVID-19, they were able to push through and offer an “in-person” experience.
WCS Board Members:
Arizona Society – John Pitt, President & Treasurer; Ted Garrett, Director
Golden Gate Society – Jerome Jacobs, Secretary & Student Academic Posters; Babette Turk, Public/Member Relations
Los Angeles Society – Kevin Egan, Program Co-Chair; Larry Teachout, Program Co-Chair
Pacific Northwest Society – Eric Jenkins, Vice President; Betty Ann Prior, Hotel Convention Services
Highlights included:
- Over 130 Exhibitors
- Over 800 Attendees
- Two and half days of Technical Presentations
- 2020 Samson Adler Awardee – Raymond Fernando, PhD
- 2021 Samson Adler Awardee – Beverly Spears
- 12 Student Academic Research Posters
- Roarin’ 20’s Theme Welcome Reception
The WCS board would like to thank each and every company and individual that participated in the 35th Biennial Western Coatings Sypmosium and Show. Because of you, our show remains the largest regional show in America!